Massive Asset Pack Pool, Go Swimming!

"Adult" Swim

Hello there, fellow development goer. Today, I'm here to share a massive pooling of all asset packs within the Cairo Creative Studios library. This collection brings forth a combination of 10+ asset packs with hundreds of animations, tilesets, and more. There's definitely something to find here that will suit your games fancy. 

I've combined these all into one page to keep the Cairo Creative Studios page free of the convoluted asset pack list I had before. I was getting a bit fed up with how messy things were getting, so I just brought it all together here, and also re-released things that had previously been temporarily restricted due to my inability to put the time into improving their individual pages.

Anyways, whatever, I hope you enjoy! If you like them enough, please consider donating, as that helps so much. The life of an Indie Dev, living off of ramen, is really no joke. Haha


Basic 16x16 202 kB
2 days ago
Chayed's Free 3.4 MB
2 days ago 60 kB
2 days ago
Machine 389 kB
2 days ago 63 kB
2 days ago
Omega R - Terran Collection 144 kB
2 days ago
The Legend of Rogua Vol. 270 kB
2 days ago

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Gunface is meta

Haha you really enjoy the concept behind Gunface, huh? I've wanted to go back to the design many times. I've got lofty goals for the game's story.

Yep it's a fun idea.

I will revisit it soon to expand on it and do it some justice. I was very passionate about it when I made it, but lacked a lot of experience needed to make it happen. It's good to know someone will be looking forward to it. :)